Georgia is one of the oldest wine regions in the world. “Cradle of Wine”- this is the way many people refer to this country; According to archeological findings, more than 8000 years old Rkatsiteli grape seeds were discovered in clay vessels, indicating on highly developed viniculture in Georgia. There are more than 500 unique and endemic Georgian grape varieties, from which basically 30 are being used for winemaking.

Berika is one of the first wineries in the Caucasus region, founded in 1996. Nowadays it can be said with confidence that the company fully adheres long Georgian winemaking history and the principles; Thanks to the owners – Mamuka Gvalia and Lasha Revazishvili, their hard work and efforts today the company owns two factories in the historic part of Georgia, Kakheti, which is distinguished by its traditional richness and diversity of winemaking culture. The main factory is located in the city of Kvareli; It is equipped with the latest machinery for producing wine and brandy. High-capacity receiver (8000 tonnes), stainless steel tanks, German gear temperature storage, modern laboratory and Italian production line (3000 bottles per hour) allows qualified winemakers and certified staff to fully control the quality of the wine and brandy production process. The second plant is located in the village of Zenobiani, which is a new acquisition, used only for primary processing of grapes and is planned to be fully rehabilitated in the near future. The company owns 20 hectares of Ojaleshi vineyards in western Georgia, as well as in Kakheti, namely 80 and 40 hectare vineyards in Kindzmarauli and Mukuzani zones. For decades, the company has established a permanent partnership with up to 50 landlords, from whom Berika regularly purchases the best crops.